February 22
Today was to be a leisure day....we had booked a limo to take us on a scenic drive so we could sit back and enjoy the ride and not miss anything. It ended up being a good thing as it had started raining the night before and was doing so when we woke up and pretty much continued through out the day.
Our drive took us along the Pacific coast...even in the rain and over cast skies it was a most beautiful sight.
We stopped in the rain so Fonda could get up close to the Pacific ocean and up close she did...shoes and all.
We stopped in Santa Cruz at The Boardwalk which was pretty much dead because of the rain but I bet is a cool place when the sun is out. It was cool to see an amusement park right there on the beach.

We stopped in
Monterrey at the Fisherman's Wharf and saw this sea lion swimming around in the marina.
We then headed to Carmel where we had lunch at The Hog's Breath Inn.
This was once owned by Clint Eastwood but he still owns the strip that this restaurant and other shops are in. Apparently Clint was there the night before so we just missed him. Too bad...we could of "Made His Day".
The food was good and it was nice to get out of the limo and relax.
Next stop...17 mile drive...also known as
Pebble Beach.
All I have to say is....BEAUTIFUL!!!!
First stop...the golf course. Didn't get the hype because I'm not into golf but it was a pretty sight...my son in law Paul who likes to golf did enjoy the shirt I brought back for him and the little onesie I got for Liam.

I can't tell you where we were when these next pictures were taken but they were along this stretch of 17 mile ...it was all beautiful...we stopped several times and took lots of pictures.

When we were done in this area it was time to head back to San Francisco.

We had our limo driver make 3 stops while back in San Francisco (in the rain)...2 to get last minute
souvenirs and 1 to get Fonda a take home suit case for all her
souvenirs. Then it was back to the flat to unwind, visit about our trip and then off to pack.
All in all it was a good day...more relaxed but still very good...especially spending it with good friends.