This afternoon Bailey and I headed to the beach after Bailey had his visit with the vet.
Along the way we stopped at the garden center to get more plants.
I got 6 more Oleanders and 10 more Hibiscus.
Was hoping to find the big Oleanders as I did on my first trip to the center but no such luck.
It's okay they grow pretty fast and they are cheaper.
The plan was to get to "The Beach House" and lay the plants out where they were gonna go and then maybe plant a few and then tomorrow finish up.
Wasn't sure I could I plant 16 by myself at one time....but.... I'm better than I thought I was.
I got all 16 planted in an hour and then 30minutes to water them and the ones that were done earlier in the week.
Yes...I'm patting myself on the back!
All the plants from today are along this line except for 2 Hibiscus I planted in front.
And here is the line again from a different angle.
If you look to the left of the tall palm in the middle there is a cap.
There I plan on putting 3 Oleanders ...I was just 3 short from completing that line today.
If you look in the back ground you can see previous planting along the back line.
And then after getting all my chores done I got to do what I like to do best here...
If you look to the left of the tall palm in the middle there is a cap.
There I plan on putting 3 Oleanders ...I was just 3 short from completing that line today.
If you look in the back ground you can see previous planting along the back line.
Sit in my chair, have a drink and look out to the ocean.
Life is good today!