Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cowboy Time Baby!

February 7th
Kelley and I headed out to see my man
 Destination...Beaumont, Texas
 I had to go...only an hour and a half away...if he was coming to Beaumont surely that meant he wouldn't make Houston this year...so I had to go.
 We had 10th row aisle...closest to the stage right at the end of the cat walk...he spent a lot of time there but no matter where on stage he was we had a great view.
It was a weird, mixed crowd...after all we were in Beaumont...lol...(sorry) but in great Kid Rock style he put on a GREAT show!
 Our drive home was good until I dropped Kelley off at her car and had to make the rest of the 30 minute drive home alone...I hate night driving.
 It was a great night with a great show and a great friend!
Oh...and I was wrong...Just because Kid did a show in Beaumont doesn't mean he won't make it to Houston...Last week I got an email stating 10 cities have been added to his tour and Houston is one of them...just the dates have not been released yet...and fingers crossed he doesn't come when I'm gone on my summer vacation...that would suck...

Oh well...if so...we had Beaumont.

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