Friday, September 26, 2008

Finally Home!!!!

I'm finally home! I must's been a very interesting and exhausting last 2 weeks. Power was finally restored yesterday for me. Now I need to clean the house and get the smell out from it being closed up.

The yard is really coming along....Josh and his friend have done a really good job had cutting down trees and cleaning debris. The yard still isn't back in shape...need to mow and mulch up all the leaves left behind from the fallen trees.

Yesterday I went to the beach house for an inspection and it all seems to be structural damage, Now I just need to get the roof fixed and the septic hooked back up and then clean up some debris and bring in dirt to fill in the holes the storm left and dirt under the slab. Still a lot to do but not near the amount as others. I was very lucky this go sanctuary is still in tack.
Today I went to the grocery store to get some food for the freezer and frig...I lost everything. As I was putting groceries in, I locked my keys and purse in the truck...had to wait 30 minutes for a guy to come and unlock it who was just on the other side of the freeway ....and it cost me 55 bucks for something that took him 20 seconds and not even a dollar in gas. But I was able to get on my way. Always something I swear!
Hoping next week I get a chance to chill and relax...I'm so tired and exhausted.
Tomorrow I'm going to a wedding ...a daughter of a good friend of mine is getting married so both Jen and I are going.
Just wanted you all to know...I'm okay...just tired...I'm back home...with some mess but not as big as it was and hopefully things will be back to normal very soon.
Love you all and thanks for visiting....Robin

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