Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day Gustav

Happy Labor Day!
I'm at The Beach House still and it's very nice with what we're getting from Gustav...Nice wave action and a breeze. The sun is out now in full force. It's a nice day to spend at the beach.
So...I'll share with you what it looks like here.
The first picture is of my Grand-Dog Howie...he belongs to Jen and Paul. He's standing on the beach where normally cars drive...the water is coming up that high.

Here is what the wave action looked like at the beach this morning.

This what it looked like this morning while sitting on the deck with my latte just enjoying the morning. The sun was trying to break through the clouds.


Fonda said...

Oh, my gosh! You are getting those kind of waves with the storm that far away? It looks like a great day to be at the beach with the boogie boards. Hope ya'll had a great day. It sure looks like Howie was enjoying it!

Fonda said...

so, it looks like Ike will be our next 'sit in front of the tv for hours to see how bad it is really going to be' storm. I noticed this morning that they have shifted 'the cone of uncertainty' much farther south than when I went to bed last night. Looks like the border will take the direct blow right now...though we are not out of the woods yet. I guess it is too far out to accurately predict right now.