Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mandatory Evacuation

I woke up this morning with a text message from Tammy saying I just heard on the news that they are evacuating Brazoria County. Brazoria County is the county the beach house is located in. So, I jump out of bed to turn on the news thinking what the hell happened during the night while I was sleeping. I get the news on and they say Brazoria County has a voluntary evacuation but those in the zip code of _____ in Brazoria County there is a "Mandatory" evacuation. Which that was me. So I was thinking if this is mandatory I may not be able to get to the house tomorrow as I had planned so I better go now and take care of getting the house ready for Ike. So I threw on clothes and took off. It only took me a couple hours but I got it done ...but it did wear me out some. So if something happens I'm now prepared as much as I can be and if it doesn't then as the ole' saying goes better safe than sorry.

They called the mandatory evacuation because if Ike stays on track we will get the dirty side of the storm and they are expecting 13-15 foot storm surge. The storm could still turn north some and if it does it just brings it a little closer to my area of the beach.

So, for any of you wondering what's going on...that's it...I guess this one I won't be able to see until after it's pictures of the wave action. I have Colton this evening so I couldn't stay at the house until tomorrow. It was a nice day today but hot. I'm hoping tomorrow if they don't have the town locked town I can go back for an hour or so and just see what the beach is doing. But I have a feeling that isn't going to happen.

I'll keep you posted as I know more. Until next time...Robin

1 comment:

Fonda said...

And tonight it looks like it could heading straight for you! I watched the websites as the prediction lines moved farther and farther north all day long. I am glad to hear that you already have the shutters up. I thought that must be what you were doing when I didn't get an email from you today. Good luck!