Yesterday I shared with you the family came over for a visit and all grand-babies were here.
When most everyone left, Colton and Tayler stayed until Tammy came back from her bible study.
When most everyone left, Colton and Tayler stayed until Tammy came back from her bible study.
Tayler and I were on teh couch and Colton came running from the kitchen yelling
Muggy you have Lady Pops you have Lady Pops
I want some Lady Pops.
So...I'm trying to figure out what he's talking about...Colton I don't know what Lady Pops are...
Yes Muggy you do, you have Lady Pops in the pantry.
After going back and forth I think I finally figured it out.
Colton do you mean lollipops?
Yes Muggy... Lady Pops.
I want a Lady Pop.
Okay go get you a lady Pop and bring Tayler one too.
Muggy I got Tayler a red Lady Pop but Mommy doesn't let Tayler eat Lady Pops only I can eat Lady Pops.
Well since I'm the Muggy we'll let Tayler have one Lady Pop.
Okay Muggy.
It ended with the kids loving their Lady Pops and Colton saying...
Muggy send me home with some Lady Pops, which I gladly did...2 for him and 1 for Tayler