Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 21st
Colton, my oldest grandchild had his first school program.
All grades had a skit to was put on by the P.E. was a very cute program put to music.
 Isn't he a handsome young boy.
 The first dance moves were put to a Texas the moment I can't remember it but it was cute.
If you look behind him, the girl in the purple shirt...she was so cute to watch...she was really into her moves.
 The next one was done to 5 Little Monkeys...
They were all so cool in their glasses.
 All the dance moves were so cute...The P.E. teacher did a great job with all the grades.
 The boy next to Colton would only do the turn around and nothing else...he had the look on his face of...This isn't cool....he was fun to watch.
 There was also a silent auction going on...As you can see by the picture below...I won what I was bidding on.
This means I don't have to worry about parking at a school that has limited parking and I don't have to go early to insure a good seat to watch my grandson graduate from Kindergarten...
This Muggy has a front row parking space and a front row seat!

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