Sunday, March 1, 2009

Grandma's Gone Wild...Day 5

All good things must come to end...even Grandma's Gone Wild weekends.
This is Javier...he was our limo driver while we were in San Francisco except for once. He was a really nice guy.
He carried "ALL" our luggage up several flights of stairs when we arrived to our flat and came back at the end just to haul it back down along with a couple new bags he didn't have the first time around. If you ever go to San Francisco...he's your limo driver.
When we made it to the airport our flight was delayed twice I believe totalling up to 2 hours behind schedule. We all made it home safe and sound and now have one more memory to reflect on. Not sure where our next destination will take us but I know I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks for letting me share our adventures with you and thanks to my girls for wonderful and special memory....You mean the world to me! Now I need to prepare for my next 33 days I head to Hollywood and then San Diego...this time with my sister in law.
Don't forget to vote!


Fonda said...

I see I am now leading the votes. When did that happen?

Robin said...

I don't know...last I saw Stacy had 3 and now she has 2...maybe someone took their vote back and voted for you...Hmmmm!