Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I have posted any pictures of the kids so I decided it was time to share the most recent.
Below is Mr Colton. He showed up at my house this past week in the morning with stickers across his forehead. He had 4 when he showed up and at the end of the day he only had 3...yes...he kept them on ALL day.

Then Miss Tayler with her big beautiful blue eyes.
She loves being able to pull herself up.
Then here's handsome Mr Liam. I just love this picture. We had such a good time eating our corn and squash.
He's such a ham...he takes after his mommy that's for sure.

And the gorgeous little Miss Hayden.
She is walking now like nothing...trying to get words out and doesn't sit still for nothing

I will post more soon.

1 comment:

Delores said...

She is a beautiful child