Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's a Girl!

Tayler Lee Sheard
Born 06-10-2009
12:51 PM
7 pounds
4 ounces The proud brother big
Colton Curtis Sheard
Tayler is a sweetie and seems so big compared to our precious Liam.
Colton did really good with her and I think they'll all be fine...I was a little worried but I think he'll be fine. Tomorrow Colton and I will go back for a visit...probably 2 of them along with going to see Liam.
Tammy is doing good and had a better experience than she did with Colton so that is good.
Jenn and Paul took Liam home today so they are settling in. Tomorrow I should have lots of pictures to share.
Well...needless to say I am very tired so I think Colton and I are gonna go and chill before bed...will share more tomorrow.
Needless to say I am a very blessed Grams (aka: Muggy)


Jenn said...

not only are you super blessed, but you are super grams!!!!

what an incredible week! thanks for posting pictures!

Stacy said...

What cute grandbabies you have! They are all so very adorable! I can't wait to hold Liam and Tayler!

Anonymous said...

Congrats from the entire Brad Paisley Team!!!
After are you and always will be the Mom of the #1 Girls.
