Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Venice Day 2...Part 3...The Water Taxi Ride Continues

and so the ride continues....
 and we almost had a little too much excitement....a boat here's our boat in the middle with the brown top and 2 vaporettos (it's a bus on water) on each side of us...horns were going off and it was so close I could reach out and touch....

 the picture below is of their much as I wanted to go and check it out I was too afraid...after all Venice was already costing an arm and a couple of legs that I could just imagine the gambling I did hear it was high this is as close I got.

 lovin' the flowers
if you notice in the picture above the color of the brick is different closer to the water...the water normally comes up this one lives on the lower levels of Venice anymore...the buildings are empty and vacant...they have a time of year where the tide is really high and the square we hang out in during the evenings will flood where people walk through it in rain boots past their ankles.
Just crazy....
 above.... modern day bridge bridge with steps...if you read yesterdays post I mentioned a bridge as the bridge with steps...I was wrong, it was the museum bridge, this is the bridge with steps...I have gone back and corrected yesterdays post...sorry...there's a lot to remember

 time to get ready to dock...if you look behind the statue you will see the church that is in the square where we spend our evenings....and look at all the tourist...they are everywhere.
well that is all the pictures of the taxi ride I am going to share....if you'd like to see more you'll just have to come over and sit a spell over a bottle of wine and share stories.

Tomorrow we'll close with the evening of Day 2.


Stacy said...

that is amazing about the first floor and how no one lives there now - the flowers still get me - so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe someone used to live in the lower levels. Has the canal risen that much over the years? I just might take you up on seeing the rest of your pictures.


Brenda said...

Oh Robin it is AMAZING! It is strange I have wondered since you posted the couple in the doorway how do people live on low level with water at the steps. Crazy I love the flower and these pictures thank you.