Monday, February 9, 2009

I've Been Googled

I was playing around on the blog and saw where someone had visited my page via a click from a Google being curious I clicked on the link and it took me to Google search...My blog page is on the search. If you search for "Bluewater highway after Ike" it will bring up results and there I am....The first time I searched it I was on page 1 and now I'm page 4. I just thought it was pretty cool and just had to share. Apparently someone was looking and searching for pictures from Hurricane Ike and there was my page from my blog. Cool!


Fonda said...

You are famous! Can I still visit your blog?

Robin said...

Always...I have time for the little people..:)

Fonda said...

I just read an article on Yahoo that they are getting ready to make the repairs to Bluewater Hwy. It will take 2 to 3 months.

Robin said...

yea...but they are temporary repairs, it will be done with gravel and not will be better than what it is now but will need work again down the road