Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Gram With No Camera?????

Yes...that was me yesterday...A Gram with no camera....what was that all about? I need to get a small camera and leave in my truck at ALL times for such a moment as this.

Yesterday I was out doing errands ....Josh called to see if I was home cause he was going to bring Hayden out for a visit...I told him since I was out running errands if he was going to be home that on my way home I would stop and see them.

As I get there I realize...I'm going to see a grand-baby and I haven't seen her in a couple weeks and "I HAVE NO CAMERA".....I was so I'm sure you all are as well that I have "NO PICTURES" to share! Plus the fact she's grown so much these last couple of weeks and is just simply gorgeous!

Again....."WHAT WAS I THINKING"?????

We had a nice visit...she's all over the place crawling and making faces and blowing spit bubbles...she has such a sweet personality and so easy going. Just precious.

You can make sure that next time this Grams will have a camera or I'll be making a quick u-turn into a Target or Best Buy.

Now I'm sitting here waiting on Tayler and Colton to arrive...they are going to spend the day here while Tammy has things to do...I'm so looking forward to spending time with them (and I do have a camera for this visit)...but I'm sure when they leave I will be exhausted but it will be a good exhaustion.

Until the next post enjoy the rest of your weekend and remember....It Is What It Is.


Stacy said...

I hate when I don't have my camera handy!

Fonda said...

I have been thinking the same thing for my car. I am always seeing something or someone that I want a quick picture of but don't have a camera with me!

August said...

Your cellphone doesn't have a camera?

Robin said...

yes I have a camra on my phone but I can't transfer them to my I'm not a high tech phone person so i just have and do long as I can make a call I'm happy!

August said...

It really is easy to download photos from your cell phone. If you download pictures from a digital camera... then you probably already know how. :)

I use my cellphone camera when I'm out shopping and want to take a photo of something for the house. It works great as an emergency camera.

Here's a couple of links that might help you: